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This search function has been limited to 300 new stories and 100 features and comments
Appreciation is growing, but there is potential for further support of business strategy.
Level recorded was 12% ahead of total reached in 2023.
Update reflects changed working patterns and net zero transition.
RICS survey finds more positivity, especially around prime, energy-efficient space.
NAO report finds MoD, NHS and school properties account for 88% of the total.
Good news, bad news: trend is down for the third and up for the first two.
Research shows innovative solutions emerging from drive for real estate optimisation.
New report looks at ‘a pivotal year’ for real estate in a review of trends shaping the future.
Wates and partners aiming to boost emerging green innovators across the UK.
Construction dips but developers remain optimistic.
New report highlights ongoing post-pandemic change in the property industry.
Change is not happening fast enough, new report says.
New handbook from the non-profit climate action group sets out steps for Europe’s built environment.
JLL identifies $1trillion cost globally to avoid obsolescence in the face of sustainability requirements.
Awareness of implications growing across the building services sector.
Average office occupancy rate has risen to 60% over the last six months.
New purpose-built platform will leverage the best of human and machine learning, says the CRE group.
Winners showcase creative, flexible and inspiring work environments that make a positive impact on their communities.
Survey finds smart systems deemed essential in meeting business and environmental challenges.
The pilot version of the UK’s first cross-industry standard to prove a building is 'net zero carbon' has been launched.
Creating high-quality experiences in the built environment will help future-proof corporate real estate portfolios.
Private capital and expertise could alleviate funding pressures, support sustainability, build capacity and modernise services.
Energy-efficient commercial property assets continue to outperform inefficient counterparts.
New report from CBRE explores the significant value real estate firms can obtain from embracing AI technology.
New Science Based Targets initiative framework outlines 1.5°C pathways for new buildings.
AI-related companies expanding rapidly, especially in London.
Underinsurance is a persistent problem that leaves property owners vulnerable to significant losses.
IBM technology will support the property advisory group’s sustainability services globally.
The partnership will help organisations become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
British Property Federation joins the list of organisations asking for action by the next government.
Latest Deloitte London Office Crane Survey finds developers turning to refurbishments in the face of economic uncertainty.
The tool is designed to measure and report on whole-life costs and whole-life carbon emissions at the same time.
Corporate occupiers have driven an increase in activity in the London market, with the number of desks transacted up 30% year on year.
Industry standard SFG20 has set out to solve that problem.
Latest RICS survey finds 89% of respondents seeing offices being converted for other uses, as market uncertainties persist.
The London-based developer/landlord GPE plans to double its existing portfolio.
The office fit-out landscape continues to evolve, driven by a confluence of economic, technological and societal shifts.
One of the UK’s major property developers/owners has committed to converting 20% of its office portfolio to flexible space.
Survey finds 70% of maintenance professionals saying that staying compliant is the most significant problem in their business.
The minimum energy efficiency standards went out for consultation in 2021 – so what now?
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers is the new administrator for the energy efficiency scheme.
The Building Research Establishment is calling on the next government to commit to world-leading standards for British buildings.
The next two years will be a critical time for corporate occupiers looking for real estate that supports their carbon commitments.
Energy-efficient assets showed stronger investment performance across all sectors in 2023.
New mandatory competence assessment deadline extended by 13 weeks.
There is a huge CO2 emissions reduction opportunity for commercial buildings, says a specialist.
Two significant moves in recent days throw more weight behind climate change mitigation efforts.
Latest UK Green Building Council guidance aims to build greater accuracy and clarity of Scope 3 emissions reporting.
Health and care leaders are calling for the next government to boost investment to repair and update dilapidated buildings.
A new Acquisitions Sustainability Toolkit is designed to help in assessing the sustainability characteristics of buildings.
The climate and energy non-profit is underlining the need to upgrade millions of buildings every year to meet 2050 net zero goals.
Corporate real estate advisor Colliers is forecasting a new period of value creation opportunities for occupiers and investors beginning this year.
Office buildings with the highest efficiency and sustainability ratings tend to have higher than average service charges.
As the UK prepares for an eventual election, industry bodies are increasingly calling on parties to make manifesto commitments.
The Building Cost Information Service is asking the government to address urgent R&M issues.
The British Council for Offices hopes its new agenda will guide and inspire the office sector amid disruption.
Revised for 2024, the toolkit aims to support the delivery of better buildings across the commercial real estate sector.
‘Slightly more positive outlook’ reflects caution and change in the commercial property sector.
Global real estate advisor CBRE has ranked European cities according to their resilience to the impacts of climate change.
So argues the UK Green Building Council, which has issued new guidance to support action.
Progress on the decarbonisation of real estate is being held back by a lack of collaboration.
Real estate advisor Savills is forecasting a stronger commercial property market, with four themes set to have significant impact.
New figures in the Government Estate Annual Data Publication confirm £1.1bn of property sales in 2022/23.
Andrea Kolokasi now chairs the flexible workspace providers group.
Occupier and investor demand for green buildings grows but uncertainties and costs are holding the industry back.
International research indicates more organisations are planning to lease more space in the coming months.
New framework aims to drive optimal in-use energy performance of commercial buildings.
New report identifies three key factors in making the case for investing in retrofitting and futureproofing.
The property services group becomes the latest to roll out artificial intelligence to enhance client and employee outcomes.
Too much office space? Maybe not, as development starts hit record levels.
Employers in most countries expect people to be in the office more than we do in the UK.
The University is investing £1.5m into developing skills, research, training and consultancy.
Average office occupancy rates across eight major European cities have risen in the last six months.
More incentive to ‘go green’, as CBRE reports the results of its inaugural Sustainability Index.
It's been quite a ride, but now it's come to bankruptcy protection for the flexspace provider.
Lack of data is one of the biggest barriers to decarbonising buildings.
The platform has been selected for a series of UK science and innovation sites.
Current volatile market conditions may give way to some stabilisation in 2024.
Taking on a broad but critical remit, the guide offers advice on designing, delivering and managing healthier buildings.
UK office landlords could spend over £65bn over the next 7 years to meet energy efficiency requirements.
The investigation into the impact of hybrid working on people, places and society is aiming for 10,000+ participants from around the world.
Barclays’ Glasgow campus was celebrated as the Best of the Best at the British Council for Offices National Awards last night.
Timed to coincide with party conference season, the document is titled Empowering a Sustainable Future.
The industry must not let up on its commitment to reduce its impact on climate change.
The cross-sector group is focusing on the building occupation phase and inviting input on golden thread tools.
A relaunch includes a renewed purpose to stimulate industry-wide engagement on sustainability issues.
In a sector first, the index aims to ensure quality data on building performance, helping operators and occupiers track and report on sustainability initiatives.
Change is the theme for Barclays’ annual property services conference this year.
Smart solutions are being used to improve operational reliability and drive efficiency at more than 20,000 client sites.
Teaming up with the Supply Chain Sustainability School will provide a free learning platform to build capabilities.
Global research indicates many workers are still coming into the office less than two days a week.
JLL GPT aims to provide private, secure generative AI services to amplify insights and client outcomes.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Q2 UK Commercial Property Monitor is reporting a renewed downturn in the market.
Without investment, this stock is unlikely to be fit for purpose in terms of meeting the needs of occupiers and complying with MEES legislation.
Guidance will ensure that inclusion is considered at every stage of the design and construction process.
More evidence that there is a premium on green space, this time from the occupant side of the equation.
In its first year, JLL Foundation investments are helping to catalyse efforts to achieve a more sustainable future.
Consultancy and construction company Mace is calling on the industry and government to ramp up efforts to retrofit non-domestic buildings.
The campaign to establish a standard for verifying UK buildings as net zero carbon has reached a significant milestone.
Real estate decision-making and people-centric strategies are becoming more integrated, according to property advisor CBRE.
A recent acquisition shows the scale of the ambition and opportunity in this sector.
The looming spectre of obsolescence has seen a record level of office upgrade projects get underway in the capital.
Employee wellbeing, amenities and sustainability are at the core of the region’s leading workplaces, says the British Council for Offices.
The Flexible Space Association, the trade body for the flexible workspace industry, has hit the 1000-location mark.
South of England’s and South Wales’s outstanding workplaces have been announced, with awards going to six office buildings across the region.
British Council for Offices regional awards highlight user-centred design, as well as creative implementation of wellbeing and sustainability measures.
Flexible workspace locations in the UK have hit their highest ever occupancy levels.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors sees the UK property market remaining subdued, but there are signs of optimism too.
Employee wellbeing and sustainability emerge as defining principles of the leading workplaces, annual awards reveal.
The construction and facilities management organisation has announced a multi-million-pound investment in MetSpace.
The energy efficiency rating scheme for existing office buildings has been extended to meet the needs of owners and occupiers.
The British Property Federation and the UK PropTech Association will join forces to drive innovation in the property sector.
As post-Covid occupier expectations rise, so too have fit-out costs across key cities.
Green leases can benefit both landlords and tenants while also serving to decarbonise real estate.
More mixed signals from the property world as 2023 office demand in London is up and more companies are upsizing than downsizing.
A new report on the future of the office finds that while offices are here to stay, the sector is in “a full state of flux”.
Funding has been announced for recruitment and training of building control inspectors and fire inspectors working with the Building Safety Regulator.
The Technology, Media and Telecoms sector dominated activity in the European flex market in 2022.
New research has found low awareness of new environmental standards despite increased demand for environmentally friendly office space.
The property consultancy group is bringing forward its full acquisition of UK property and construction consultants AA Projects.
Over 50% of inner London commercial stock will be ‘unlettable’ from 2027 as MEES legislative changes loom.
More than 11,000 government roles have been relocated out of London to sites across the UK.
That, and regulatory certainty, are needed to accelerate the decarbonisation of the property industry.
New recommendations come in an early update to the British Council for Offices Guide to Specification.
Analysis of commercial property service charge data shows that greener buildings have substantially lower energy costs.
Market prospects may be uncertain over the short-term, but many UK property companies intend to increase investment in carbon reduction this year.
New research explores how changing organisational priorities are shaping the future of the built environment and FM roles.
JLL is forecasting more bridges built between occupiers and landlords, while the gap between good space and not so good will grow wider.
The Flexible Space Association’s executive director, Jane Sartin, looks at what the industry is likely to see over the next 12 months.
Buildings with better sustainability credentials are achieving markedly higher capital values and rents.
A new report looks at consumer influence on real estate decisions and identifies four themes that will shape decisions for the future.
A new report warns that plans for managing the government’s extensive property estate portfolio are out of sync with market conditions and lack ambition to reduce costs.
Savills has joined the growing ranks of property advisors warning on the potential impact of new energy standards.
A new report calls for greater collaboration and data-sharing between office building owners and occupiers to improve progress.
That argument has been made for some years, but new research now shows a 6% rental premium for buildings with sustainability certifications.
A desire for high quality office space is driving increasing demand for Grade A accommodation in the capital.
Extensive asbestos remediation work is still needed on more than 100,000 UK buildings, according to a new report.
Retrofitting is moving up the net zero agenda and there’s an opportunity to get involved at the UK Green Building Council.
If there is a silver lining to the current energy crisis, it may be that rising costs are expediting the move toward more efficient buildings.
The UK Green Building Council is calling on government to strengthen policies that will support a resilient built environment.
A new report by the British Council for Offices urges the property industry to ‘retain, extend life, reduce impact’ to future-proof the office sector.
New research from JLL highlights ways that life science occupiers, investors, developers and landowners can mitigate the climate impact of their assets.
This, the company says, is the first 360-degree online self-assessment tool to help owners assess their building’s performance.
New guidance from the World Green Building Council collates “effective and practical steps” to build resilience to the changing climate.
Equans has been instrumental in the digital transition of a newly refurbished Leeds building into an industry-leading example of a smart building.
Evidence is growing that hybrid working works best when it is clearly defined and implemented in line with the needs of an organisation and its employees.
Most companies remain uncertain about what their post-pandemic workplaces will look like.
Retrofitting offices and industrial buildings can deliver the energy reductions required to support the UK’s 2050 net zero targets.
Flex office stock in Europe will reach around 20% of total office stock over the next 10 years.
11 major players are calling for the formation of a new taskforce to ensure buildings are fit for the future.
The Better Buildings Partnership has published new guidance on defining, measuring and reporting on climate resilient property.
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard initiative has appointed David Partridge as chair of its recently convened Governance Board.
Progress is being seen in some aspects of the built environment on the drive to be more sustainable, according to the latest annual sustainability report from RICS.
European businesses are looking towards Romania, Turkey and Morocco as alternatives to production in Ukraine and Asia following months of supply-chain disruption.
A new survey conducted by CoreNet Global, the association for CRE professionals, has found that high inflation is adding to the uncertainties felt in the sector.
Contrary to the post-Covid expectations of many, the Central London office leasing market has seen occupiers expanding their footprint at record levels.
Hybrid working is set to become the dominant model, but decision-makers still believe the corporate office is critical to doing business.
A global study of nearly 80 offices in 13 countries representing nearly 80,000 employees has revealed a seismic shift in working patterns.
The UK Green Building Council has published new insight into the positive impact circular thinking can have in delivering whole-life carbon reductions and value creation.
The ISS Hub has received top marks for accessibility and usability, making it the first to ever reach Platinum status.
A lack of good data is a major barrier for central government in making effective decisions about property.
Flexibility is increasingly becoming a key strategic driver for businesses, in terms of future planning and gaining an edge in talent attraction.
The Better Buildings Partnership has announced three new signatories to its Climate Commitment, as a second group launches a complementary initiative.
The British Council for Offices is proposing updated design criteria for its reference work, the BCO Guide to Specification.
The Government Property Agency’s new strategic partner will advise on national property and property-related financial services.
The British Council for Offices is calling for more inclusive design, regulatory change and also proposing design recommendations.
City governments are setting ambitious sustainability targets, often well ahead of national goals.
Employee engagement is the top priority for global businesses and nearly two-thirds are investing in their offices with this in mind.
The majority of UK organisations seem to be settling into a middle ground between Covid-driven work-from-home practices and post-pandemic everyone-back-to-the-office policies.
The property services group has announced a new $100m investment in Industrious, a rapidly growing provider of premium flexible workplace solutions.
In CBRE’s latest EMEA Occupier Sentiment Survey 72% of companies said they are moving towards a hybrid workplace model.
A cross-industry steering group has come together to develop a Standard for verifying UK buildings as net zero carbon.
The UK Green Building Council has published a guide to support the retrofitting of poorly performing commercial buildings.
According to new research, proposed legislative energy targets could cost UK office landlords upwards of £40 per sq ft.
This year will be a pivotal one for the workplace, says the Government Property Agency.
That’s certainly the way IWG, parent to Regus and other flex space brands, sees it as it backs a merger with specialist The Instant Group.
Putting active commuting at the heart of ESG policies can shift commuters towards more sustainable forms of travel, improve individual health and wellbeing and help companies cut carbon emissions.
The real estate advisor has grown its London Markets team by recruiting two specialists from WeWork.
The impact of Covid-19 has led many companies to reduce their portfolios. Many expect growth over the next few years, but the overall trend is down.
The International Building Operation Standard promises a new approach to measure and manage how buildings perform for people.
Ahead of mandatory requirements to disclose climate-related risks coming into force in April, the UK Green Building Council has published new guidance.
In another significant move on the proptech front the firm’s investment subsidiary has acquired tenant and workplace experience platform Cureoscity.
Recent market research found 62% of UK commercial landlords having trouble attracting prospective tenants to fill traditional office spaces.
To meet climate change commitments, building stock investment must be three times higher than the current rate.
A new report finds that organisations risk losing out on key talent unless they improve the quality of their real estate and embed flexible working post-Covid.
With expectations for new buildings increasing in recent years, the conversation is shifting from the ‘value of green’ to a focus on longer term, broader based sustainability.
Office buildings that fail to demonstrate how they support the health and wellbeing of users will swiftly become redundant.
A growing economy and a strengthening of the labour market will provide a positive backdrop for real estate in 2022, with total returns for all UK property forecast at just over 6%.
The amount of office space in England fell by millions of square feet during the peak pandemic period, reports the Financial Times.
As office occupiers adjust to pandemic uncertainties, many are taking the view that flexibility is the greatest benefit on offer.
Nearly three-quarters of office occupiers expect to transform their workplace design in the next two years.
According to new research, the majority of built environment professionals believe the sector is already doing enough to tackle its carbon impact.
A new website, backed by 12 major firms, aims to educate a new generation of young people about career choices in the built environment sector.
Commercial occupiers’ willingness to allow all employees the choice to work remotely fell from 39% to 26% between March and September 2021.
New research by Savills identifies the scale of the challenge facing the UK’s real estate sector in achieving net zero.
The real estate services firm has made a strategic investment of $150m in the global flexible space provider WeWork.
Demand for flexible offices is expected to recover to more than 10% of overall UK office demand in 2022.
The guidance is designed specifically to drive up the sustainability of new commercial buildings.
The world-leading energy rating scheme for UK offices is ready for use.
The international real estate firm has agreed a deal to acquire one of the UK’s leading specialist commercial property management companies.
The RICS-developed International Building Operations Standard is an innovative data-led standard that goes beyond the traditional ways of measuring building performance.
Post-Covid changes are likely to bolster major cities outside London and boost UK productivity, as new work patterns stick.
The built environment is going in the right direction, but it is still not moving fast enough to decarbonise building stock.
CBRE’s latest EMEA Occupier Survey provides good insights into thinking across this dynamic sector.
The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard consultation, which closed in June, is designed to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in England and Wales.
Real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield has teamed up with the flexible space provider to develop flex space solutions for landlords and occupiers.
Energy performance in commercial real estate is improving but has some way to go to meet upcoming targets.
The UK Green Building Council has launched a consultation inviting industry feedback on its Whole Life Carbon Roadmap draft proposals.
Savills-backed flexible office specialist Workthere is reporting enquiries for space up by 48% on pre-Covid levels.
Some 16 months after the Covid-19 pandemic began, it feels like we’ve reached the final stages of grief.
In preparation for reopening their buildings, four-fifths of UK businesses have already implemented clean air technology or plan to in the next twelve months.
A new survey invites feedback on market drivers, expectations and characteristics for a potential net zero carbon buildings verification scheme.
A new report argues that occupier expectations for building performance are not being met, and that could harm long-term property values.
Taunton’s UK Hydrographic Office Headquarters was named Best of the Best at the British Council for Offices’ National Awards last night.
The latest addition to the ongoing debate about the future of offices in the UK comes from PwC’s latest Occupier Survey.
The office sector is on the cusp of considerable change, says Helical chief executive Gerald Kaye.
New research suggests tenants expect changes in space use post-pandemic while landlords don’t.
The toolkit is designed to be a practical guide to best practice in responsible property management for asset, property and facilities managers.
A survey of UK business leaders has found that many organisations may have to wait to adopt a hybrid working model because of being locked into a long-term lease.
The UK Green Building Council has published new guidance to help developers and owners increase nature-based solutions within the construction and operation of built assets.
As more employers begin to plan a return to the office, the shift toward a worker-centric model should be top of mind, says JLL.
Central government is seeking views on proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of large buildings.
International firm Clifford Chance has appointed Cushman & Wakefield to carry out a strategic review of its London occupational requirements.
The Health and Safety Executive has announced the appointment of Peter Baker to establish and lead the new Building Safety Regulator.
Covid-19, with or without formal lockdowns, has left many organisations with property that is sitting unused, or all but. How do they ensure it stays safe?
The new Climate Framework website aims to cater for the needs and interests of all professionals working in built environment disciplines.
Over a third of UK mid-sized businesses expect to reduce the amount of space they hold in the future.
2019 was a year of optimism and growth for providers, and 2020 was a year of uncertainty and challenge. So what comes next?
The property professionals group CoreNet Global has been tracking members’ views on the lasting effects of the pandemic. They have evolved but the themes remain consistent.
The corporate property world was already changing when the coronavirus arrived. The real challenge now is handling the new pace of that change,
Demand for high quality office space in London will remain robust post-Covid, but what companies want and where they want it will change.
Businesses across the UK are rethinking the role of the workplace in these pandemic-hit times, but many remain unwilling to commit to transformational change.
A new scheme for rating the operational energy efficiency of UK office buildings has been launched.
Regus parent IWG will provide both a home-base and remote working sites for the business advisor’s Norway team.
Ten trends, all in play now, will shape the commercial real estate industry in the coming year.
The workplace of the future will be versatile and hybrid, focusing on employee-centric solutions, according to a global survey.
The next three to five years will see a strong focus on flexibility, demanded by both workers and corporates, relating to work activity, space and location.
The UK Green Building Council has announced a new partnership with Enfield Council, seeking radical solutions for the delivery of sustainability on large schemes.
Over a third of business leaders are considering downsizing their primary office space and shifting towards smaller satellite offices.
Five businesses have been recognised in London at the annual British Council for Offices regional awards.
It could be, says a new report, at least for many UK occupiers facing an uncertain future and needing an alternative to traditional corporate accommodation.
For a whole series of reasons there is change underway in the property world, but underlying this is a more fundamental question: what is property actually for?
Post-occupancy evaluation should be standard practice to ensure all new buildings meet intended energy efficiency ratings and provide optimum value for money.
Cushman & Wakefield, the global real estate services firm, has teamed up with workplace operator Industrious to offer a flexible space solution.
A new report condemns the Ministry of Justice and HM Prison and Probation Service's "failure" in attempts to improve the condition and suitability of the prison estate.
As Londoners start to return to the city, flexible space providers are seeing some clear trends emerge.
Ensuring climate resilience and the transition to net zero carbon, delivering healthy buildings, and creating a fair society are all essential in a post-Covid-19 recovery.
More than two-thirds of UK CEOs believe there will be a shift towards low density office usage as a consequence of the Covid-19 experience.
The UK Green Building Council is testing a new strategy for developing solutions to the built environment industry's carbon reduction challenge.
A property consultancy has launched an online service to help organisations determine what their occupancy requirements will be in preparation for employees returning to the office.
Cyber attacks will always be a worry, but Covid-19 has pushed its way towards the top of the list of issues shaping decisions around sourcing and managing data centre space.
Occupier demand for floorspace is down across the board, not surprisingly, but the future looks different too.
A report from property advisors JLL concludes that the pandemic working-from-home experiment is forcing companies to re-imagine the future of work and question the purpose of the office.
The UK Green Building Council is canvassing views on a definition of social value for the built environment sector.
Another vote in favour of a flexible workspace future as US provider Serendipity Labs appoints the property services group to develop a series of UK locations over the next two years.
UK construction could soon be on the verge of a fundamental shift towards value-based decision-making involving all key stakeholders in a project.
The trend towards workplace mobility was not created as a result of the pandemic, but it was certainly accelerated by it.
The new offer aims to support strategy development for a post-Covid environment, while building for a resilient and sustainable future.
A new report argues that increased working from home doesn't equate to reduced demand for office space. The situation is more complex than that.
The business advisors and the software group are moving their collaboration to 'the next level', with the signing of a partnership agreement.
That's the conclusion of a survey of building occupiers carried out by CoreNet Global, the corporate real estate professionals group.
Property services group Savills has published the results of a survey of its clients, and it is clear that change is on the cards.
71% of UK businesses are planning to permanently adopt flexible and agile working practices post the Covid-19 lockdown.
If the weight of opinion in survey research is a reliable indicator, there's no way the UK is going back to pre-Covid patterns once lockdown is lifted and 'normal' returns.
Occupiers across EMEA are planning to increase investment in technology, driven in large part by a post-lockdown focus on the employee experience.
Many public sector bodies risk underestimating the time, resources and complexity involved in managing the end of PFI contracts.
Demand by corporate owners to release capital from their real estate assets is increasing, spurred along by the Covid-19 pandemic.
NBS, the leading specification platform for the construction industry, has announced a partnership with the Building Engineering Services Association to help drive digital adoption throughout the building lifecycle.
The results of a global survey on working from home during the pandemic point toward a shift from office-based to a "total workplace ecosystem", balancing office, home and other locations.
"Covid-19 has shown both the fragility and the resilience of society and the ecosystem, and as we enter the recovery period we must take the opportunity to build back better by focusing on a green and just recovery."
Most companies plan to take a gradual approach to bringing employees back to their workplaces as governments begin to lift restrictions tied to Covid-19.
A snap poll by industry journal Property Week has found that over half of the companies covered have furloughed staff.
The UK Green Building Council has published new guidance aiming to de-mystify the practice of measuring the social value of buildings and places.
Screens to protect receptionists, touchless unisex toilets and reduced occupational density are all likely to be features of the post Covid-19 workplace.
To mark yesterday's Earth Day the property services group announced a plan to cut carbon emissions by two-thirds.
Global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield has formed a Recovery Readiness Task Force to assist clients with post-covid-19 returns to the workplace.
The real estate software solutions company is set to acquire Castleton Technology Plc, a provider of specialist software and services to the social housing sector.
The workplace assessment specialist, backed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the International Facility Management Association, has launched a fast-track initiative to look into the impacts of covid-19 on FM and real estate.
Property professionals have come together to back a dedicated website for offers of space, supplies and support that will help in fighting the covid-19 epidemic.
With thousands of people now working from home or prevented from travelling, many commercial buildings are moving into shutdown mode.
Organisations representing thousands of professionals across the surveying, architectural and planning specialisms have written to the Prime Minister to offer their help in fighting back against the growing coronavirus epidemic.
The latest benchmarking report from the Better Buildings Partnership shows a continued fall in commercial property energy consumption.
Sustainable office buildings can deliver financial benefits to investors through a combination of higher rents and stronger leasing velocity.
The property services group has joined others in the business, along with developers and property owners, with the launch of a flex offering.
A new framework aims to advance the social, environmental and economic benefits of responsible business practices across the real estate sector.
Twenty-five built environment professional bodies have pledged to work together to tackle climate change.
As the board charged with implementing the new Building Safety Regulator meets and government begins to frame its legislation, a leading construction body has called for enhanced powers for the Regulator.
The International Fire Safety Standards Coalition is seeking the views of industry experts on the development of the first global standard on fire safety.
The UK Green Building Council has launched a catalogue of case studies profiling projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to achieving net zero carbon buildings.
Crane surveys show business buoyant in construction markets in four cities around the UK, no doubt tipping a growth in FM opportunities too.
January is the traditional time to make predictions and resolutions for the year ahead and so it was that CoreNet UK brought together a panel to debate the big issues facing the industry. Cathy Hayward reports.
A poll of over 30,000 full- and part-time workers across 50 cities in 18 countries has found people significantly more optimistic about their local communities than the state of their nations.
The UK Green Building Council has published new energy performance targets for commercial offices that are aiming to achieve net zero carbon in operation.
The system of shared office space that offers tenants shorter leases and plug-and-pay spaces has made a big impact on the property world. But what's really behind its appeal, and does it have a long-term future?
An investors and developers group is inviting major corporate occupiers to collaborate in a new owner-occupier forum on sustainability issues.
PowerPaired aims to link community energy groups and owners of land or property with renewable energy and energy saving potential to deliver social and environmental impact.
It's beginning to look like the corporate property advisors' must-have. The list of firms offering a flexible space service seems to growth monthly.
New research from workspace provider Regus calculates the value that flexible office space and coworking locations would likely bring to local areas as operators look beyond major city locations.
Real estate businesses are continuing to make slow and steady progress in upping their digital game, but enterprise-wide digital strategies remain far from commonplace.
Entry is open for new awards which recognise the positive and transformational contribution that the built environment has on people's lives.
When technologies converge to form a connected digital twin, we can see the possibilities of FM.
The airport, a complex site with over 70 years of history, is tackling buried assets and biodiversity with digital mapping.
April 6th sees the end of the transitional period, with far-reaching implications for projects where Building Regulations apply.
Embracing technology to monitor emissions and act on real-time data positions FM teams to achieve real change.
Here’s a challenge: how can real estate better connect people, places and businesses to accelerate and unlock sustainable, inclusive and transformational investment?
What better candidate for a workplace transformation case study than Which?
MIPIM is the world’s largest real estate conference, holding something for nearly all stakeholders across the built environment,
We talked with flexspace expert Kurt Mroncz to find out how this concept went from maybe to mainstream in corporate real estate strategy.
It’s not controversial to say that BIM, building information modelling, has struggled to gain traction in facilities management market since the concept was introduced to the sector almost 20 years ago.
When temperatures peaked at 37C across much of the UK in July, it caused many disruptions across multiple sectors.
Developers, agents, landlords, architects, designers, real estate people and facilities managers united at the British Council for Offices Annual Conference earlier this month. Jo Sutherland looks back.
April’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report offered a slither of hope that we can stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown.
Commercial property is estimated to be responsible for about one-third of total carbon emissions in the UK. Tenanted buildings need to manage in a more sustainable way, green leases are part of the answer.
The pandemic has brought with it some real opportunities for future-focused facilities professionals.
Grey space, those areas that now look like being surplus floorspace, might well present an opportunity for office occupiers to invest in new flexible workspace.
The year ahead is a promising time for the office market. While the UK faces further lockdown measures, the vaccination programme brings light to the end of the tunnel.
Like many industries, the flexspace sector is facing one of its greatest challenges in the global pandemic.
In any organisation, times of contraction can lead to difficult decisions. The same goes for periods of growth. Accurate, reliable data is critical in every case.
Demand for flexible workspace in the UK has dropped to roughly 20% of pre-Covid-19 levels and does not look set to recover soon. But many providers are remaining open, though often with skeleton staff.
The Covid-19 pandemic is causing us to rethink what is important for the workplace and how offices are designed, built and managed.
With access to limitless data in every aspect of our lives, it’s about time that we really utilise that data to improve the world around us. Rob Charlton argues the case for digital twins.
No matter the sector, be it technology, finance, retail, manufacturing or any other, virtually all UK businesses rent their HQ and operational premises under commercial leases. Scott Keown offers some timely advice.
The traditional one-size-fits-all maintenance approach uses interval-based inspection, planned maintenance and reactive repair. Alistair Clements makes the case for a better solution.
In order to ensure a safe environment, it is important that all aspects of a building remain compliant and within the law. Property services firm MSL offers some advice on the basics.
The decline of the British high street has been feature of the news for some years now. One factor compounding the problem for retailers comes with their legacy estates. But there are opportunities for action, as Rob Marriott explains.
In Poland, a major contractor has been working with a local building technology specialist to implement new solutions to the age-old problem of transparency of information. Even operating costs can be accurately predicted now.
Traditional commercial office leases are under threat, as an increasing number of organisations begin to recognise the value of flexible working. But why should facilities managers care about this new trend?
How many people reading this have BIM fatigue? Who is tired of hearing how BIM can transform facilities management? How come since the 2016 UK government mandate, there is still little evidence of BIM for FM becoming business as usual?
Coworking spaces create community and collaboration. Some enterprises want a bit of that buzz, reports Fiona Perrin from the frontline of flexible working.
In the world of facilities management, energy efficiency is a theme that is growing ever more important. With an anticipated surge in energy bills, clients are now expecting FM professionals to provide solutions to their energy management problems.
Building information modelling is not new. Nor is the tension between building contracting and facilities management. Mike Knapp argues the case for closer collaboration.
From April 2018, a new legal standard for minimum energy efficiency will apply to rented commercial buildings. Carl Ghinn explains the benefits and risks involved for facilities managers.
Service charges are a necessary part of multi-occupancy locations, but assessing value for money for the services included can be difficult. A new report from Property Solutions looks at the issues in the retail sector.
Things are obviously changing fast in the world of work. Business centres, serviced offices and similar flexible options have been around for years; but suddenly the coworking phenomenon is taking off. Sector expert Kurt Mroncz explains why.
Everyone wants to be happy at work, and a growing number of forward-thinking companies are starting to recognise the importance of happiness in the workplace. Marie Puybaraud explains what's behind this shift in attitude.
Sensor technology is spreading fast. How do we balance the benefits of that with growing concerns about privacy? Raj Krishnamurthy looks at the issues and opportunities.
Jay Pearlman offers some advice on selling-in the need for action in a higher education setting, with plenty of applicability in other sectors.
Can workplace design improve productivity, and is that measurable? Simon Iatrou talks to some of the key players behind The Stoddart Review about the report, its aims and the workplace puzzle.
Michael McCullen implores facilities managers to ask the right question when it comes to specifying a BIM system.
There's increasing recognition that effective asset management has much to contribute to the successful operation of any organisation.
Tony Cahill provides advice on transforming an older building into a flexible workspace, ensuring the interior works are in line with the latest in office practice.
Our cities are developing at such an incredible rate that space is now at a premium. In response, Paul Statham says, organisations should turn to resource scheduling systems.
Marcus Brodin explains why an energy performance contract from an experienced solutions provider can offer a number of advantages over traditional procurement models.
Bernard Williams explains why FMs should not try to benchmark facilities services using standard statistical data. Site-specific benchmarking is the only real option, he argues.
Service charge management in commercial property is not regulated by law and management practices often lack consistency across the sector. That can present a challenge to real estate and FM managers.
The poor performance of many buildings is a constant source of embarrassment to engineers and mystery to FMs. Building information modelling offers a glimpse a more efficient future. Bruce Bisset makes the case.
FM consultant Bernard Crouch explains how facilities managers can overcome the myriad of challenges that arise from a flood or fire.
Building information modelling is taking the building services design industry by storm, but what can it possibly do for facilities management?
Refurbishing existing buildings might not sound exciting, but it sits right at the top of the political agenda.
At a time when cost is a key concern for all organisations, making the most of existing space is critical.
Improved utilisation of available space is on the agenda for many businesses. In some cases, thinking creatively could be the answer.
How can FM balance intense cost pressure with good practice and the protection of asset values?
Chris Kane, Head of BBC Workplace, is a man with a mission. A clue to what drives him lies in his choice of job title.
Greg Kemp writes: Costly and time-consuming legal wrangles about 'wear and tear' at the termination of a lease or a break point can be avoided by understanding your obligations as a tenant on exit when you take on the lease.
Rob Harris argues that space utilisation patterns are changing, probably for good. That means our approach to planning and measuring the workplace also needs to change.
Elliott Chase writes: Whether you love it, loathe it - or are simply bemused that the thing ever got built in the first place - The Ark is a remarkable building.
Stephen Dance argues that the MOD's strategy for delivering improvements to its London estate should become the model for change at other public sector bodies.
Dave Wilson asks: Could FMs and occupiers be dictated to by landlords that adopt ‘green leases'?
Martyn Hayward writes: The new RICS Code of Practice on service charges comes into full effect from 1 April. It is already putting more weight behind a fundamental market shift: the property industry is realising that occupiers are important.
Dom Sherry argues that integration of facilities management and corporate real estate services is the shape of things to come.
Elliott Chase writes: The first RICS Tenant Satisfaction Index made disappointing - though predictable - reading. But as more landlords follow in the pioneering footsteps of Brixton Estates, we should see things change for the better.
Andrew Laing from Journal of Corporate Real Estate.
Results of a survey of leading CEOs by Lucy E. Allard and Christine Barber, from Journal of Corporate Real Estate.
Restructuring corporate real estate and facilities in mergers, acquisitions and consolidations by Rachel Kessler-Park and Scott D. Butler. Journal of Corporate Real Estate Volume 5 Number 1.
Corporate real estate executives were given an insight into the social, political and technological trends that will affect their clients, their markets and their jobs. Geraldine Bear reports from CoreNet's Global Summit held in Lille last month.
Property markets have experienced significant turbulence in recent times – so, what’s next?
We live in a world where droves of information and data are at our fingertips, containing limitless potential insights.
To deliver effective energy-saving retrofits, FM professionals need to implement the most suitable solutions for their buildings. Stewart Little explains.
The next deadline in the roll-out of the UK’s new building safety regulations is coming up fast.
Organisations are grappling with an unprecedented challenge – what to do with vast, often underutilised floorspace.
Simon Russell explores current challenges and new opportunities as teams push for better solutions in the hybrid working age.
Simon Iatrou looks back, and then forward, from his perspective on the other side of the Atlantic.
Smart. Facilities management is awash with the concept, hailed as the future not just of buildings but of the whole built environment.
The UK’s new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard comes into play in just over six months. Property owners and occupiers need to be aware.
For centuries, landlords have had the upper hand in the UK commercial property market.
Having a detailed pre-construction phase undertaken before starting the design and build or upgrade of a data centre facility has a number of major benefits, says Jon Healy.
Years of under-funding have exacerbated the problem of the condition of school buildings to such an extent that the recently announced £1bn spend on re-building schools in England is nowhere near enough.
As the country continues to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, security officers have a vital role to play in keeping communities safe and helping to keep critical national infrastructure going.
In the year 2020, I am approximately 43 years into a career that has been more or less exclusively focused on corporate real estate. So writes Chris Hood, looking back in order to see forward more clearly.
Sunil Shah looks at the current practice of responsible business in the built environment and explains the collaborative approach that RICS is taking to create the new model necessary to transfer knowledge of sustainability through the property lifecycle.
With the world changing fast this is an important time to position facilities management as the lead enabling function for positive progress in multiple aspects of our lives, from the workplace through to cities. Geoff Prudence argues for greater focus.
The relationship between facilities management and the emerging discipline of Workplace has always been slightly awkward.
There's no escaping the fact that FMs are part of the government’s BIM drive, says Kath Fontana.
Despite an optimistic defence from the government and a promise to alleviate pressures on smaller firms, there has been a highly negative response from a large number of businesses to the long awaited new business rates, which come into effect in April.
Who is making things happen in the built environment sector? Who's stimulating change?
We have been there too many times before, lost together in the heady success of a project and forgetting ourselves entirely.
What is it with the wider property and workplace industry and social media?
Research suggests that almost total redundancy of the physical office is on the cards in as little as twenty years' time.
I’ve just got back from the British Council for Offices conference in Birmingham, a frustrated Martin Pickard writes.