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The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in living memory. It has had, and continues to have, far-reaching impacts on individuals, our society, the economy and our industry. Many of those impacts have of course been negative; and the challenges implied by that, as well as by the long list of other changes we have been experiencing, will be with us for some time to come. On the more positive side, this does bring some opportunities, too, in terms of highlighting the possibilities of working in different ways, deploying new and appropriate technologies and finding ways to better use resources, for example. And, yes, there may also be some new business opportunities.

A key part of our role is to help provide the FM community with the news, information and insights needed to understand and manage the pandemic impacts, challenges and opportunities. You can access all of the relevant content on i-FM from this page. News, features and comments are shown in the boxes below and to the right. In addition, you can use our Search functions to explore the site for related issues. You can search the news by date or topic, for example ‘Covid-19’. Or you can search our full content on any keyword via our Search page.

This site hub aims to provide easy access to a range of resources for FMs. All suggestions for additional content are welcome – contact us anytime.


Next 24 Articles

Covid-19: a boost for technology in the workplace

The pandemic could be the death knell for 'dumb buildings' as it catalyses and accelerates the long-term shift to smart technologies.

Workplace: a post-Covid flight to quality

The next three to five years will see a strong focus on flexibility, demanded by both workers and corporates, relating to work activity, space and location.

Spica to deliver workplace app for Mace

The workplace experience app will initially be available at the construction management group's global headquarters in London.

Planning the return to the workplace

Another national lockdown presents a real challenge for many. But if it can provide the time needed to ready the workplace for a strong and safe return, it will be well worth the effort.

HSE to lead Covid-19 research programme

The Health and Safety Executive study will focus on the transmission of the coronavirus in environments including workplaces, transport and other public settings.

CIBSE unveils new Covid award

The Covid-19 Achievement Award aims to recognise the work undertaken by building services professionals and the wider supply chain to combat the effects of the pandemic.

Third of home-workers feel disconnected

Data from Leesman's ongoing home-working study of more than 145,000 workers has revealed that a significant number of employees feel disconnected from their colleagues and their organisation.

Travel to work: management advice

Amongst everything else Covid-19 has impacted, there's the journey to work. Whether travelling now or at some point in the future, that journey may well need a rethink.

Generational divide in views on place of work

Older home-workers are showing a significantly greater preference for returning to the office than their younger counterparts, according to new research.

Workspace design post-Covid

It's been a challenging year for facilities management on many fronts, and one more lies in the future of the office. We still need them, but what does FM need to do to ensure they are fit for a new future?

Keeping your premises Covid safe

In the facilities management sector, you have the hefty responsibility of looking after your premises and building users, whether these be staff, visitors, customers, residents or patients.

A thank you to everyone in cleaning services

Today, Wednesday 21 October, is Thank Your Cleaner Day, marking a special day of recognition for cleaning teams up and down the country and across the globe. This has come at an appropriate time.

BESA updates Covid H&S guidelines

The Building Engineering Services Association has published new guidance to help engineering and construction firms keep their staff safe in the light of new government restrictions.

Workplace change: research backs research

An extensive report on the future of the office and office workers in the UK confirms that the seismic change in the way people work now is here to stay.

Covid-19: how do you FM that?

Anyone working in healthcare has their own experience from the Covid peak. But what was it like for someone working behind the clinical care frontline in facilities management?

Cleaning tips for Covid-secure workplaces

As organisations struggle to plan the way forward amidst a national increase in Covid-19 cases and changing government advice, good hygiene in the workplace has never mattered more.

Hybrid workplaces will not work for everyone

Organisations could be caught up in a matrix of pain if they do not carefully manage the new realities of hybrid working.

Law firms looking to hybrid working

Even lawyers, perhaps the most traditional-minded when it comes to offices, now seem convinced that the future is about flexibility.

Sodexo extends student concierge services

Sodexo has launched its concierge service at two university campuses as part of its Residential Living programme.

Lockdown good news: waste levels drop

According to facilities services group PHS, the amount of washroom waste generated by UK organisations in the last four months dropped by 49% year on year.

Membership organisations: facing up to change

David Emanuel writes: our professional institutes and associations need to react to market change just as quickly as do commercial businesses.

Working from home works

Research with a sample size of more than 125,000 workers shows that the home is outperforming the office in some fundamental areas.

Membership organisations need to face up to change

News that RICS is having to make redundancies is a clear reminder that our professional institutes and associations need to react to market change just as quickly as do commercial businesses.

RICS survey: Covid-19 making itself felt

The latest RICS UK Facilities Management Survey shows the healthcare sector still seeing the strongest growth in demand for FM services.

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