International property and construction consultant WSP has announced
record interim results for the six months ended June 2000. Pre-tax profit
is up 31% at £3.95m on increased turnover of £57.21m (£46.50m)
These results exclude any contribution from the Cantor Seinuk Group, a
world leader in the design of tall buildings, and building services engineering
firm Flack + Kurtz both recently acquired by WSP.
to right: Chris Cole, WSP Group Managing Director; Norman Kurtz, Managing
Principle of Flack + Kurtz and Malcolm Paul, WSP Group Financial Director
in front of the world's tallest building, the Petronas Towers, one
of the Group's projects through the recent acquisition of US firm
Flack & Kurtz |
Presenting the results, WSP reported a strong order book for building
design (£78m), civil engineering (£44m) and specialist services
(£22m) which includes the facilities management arm. Chairman P.J.
Welch said: "The success in progressing our international strategy
has been achieved whilst continuing to grow our business in the UK. All
our UK operating companies are both busy and profitable with increasing
order books. We have experienced substantial organic growth in the UK
and this has been evenly distributed across the country and the business
sectors. I can confirm that the markets in which we work remain strong
with no evidence of this changing.
"The Group now operates on a global basis with principal overseas
offices in the Far East, South Africa and America and smaller operations
in the rest of Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. I continue to
be very optimistic for the future growth and performance of WSP. We are
well positioned to develop as a global company in our varied markets.
I am, therefore, confident that the Group will continue to grow successfully
and deliver rewards to all its stakeholders."
Marilyn Standley, MD of WSP Facilities Management said: "FM has continued
to make a positive contribution to group performance with growth coming
from both new and existing clients."
In addition to continuing work for The Post Office (see
News story) WSP FM has been wining work in the education sector with
a contract renewal at Sheppey College and a new win at Christchurch college.
WSP recently formed a new company, WSP Communications, to focus on the
information technology market responding to the enormous demand for data
and co-location centres (see News story).The
service covers all WSP's disciplines including location identification,
feasibility, and compatibility through to procurement, construction and
facilities management.
Welch said that the Group would continue to pursue acquisition opportunities
both in the UK and overseas. The aim would be to mirror the core and niche
businesses WSP has built in the UK in each of its main geographical areas
of operation.
Richard Byatt