News on 17 October 2000

Back pain knocking businesses flat

Back trouble among staff is taking a heavy toll at many UK businesses, according to a new report published Monday.

In the worst example, 13 million days are lost every year at small firms where up to one in five people suffer from back strain, according to the report from the Forum of Private Business (FPB) and the TUC.

Back strain is more common in small firms of less than 100 people than it is in larger workplaces because of a lack of help, resources and guidance.

Nearly three-quarters of employees with back problems lift as part of their job and over two-thirds do a lot of standing. It is not clear why, but men are more likely than women to take time off sick when back pain strikes.

Recommendations in the report include getting schools, trade unions and business organisations to educate business owners on causes and prevention of back strain, better access to physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths, explanations of procedures to staff and tax reductions on equipment that reduces back pain.

A free information line for advice on how to avoid, prevent and treat back strain has been set up for the week on 0800 032 0044.

Elliott Chase

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