News on 16 October 2000

Online Space Advisor Gears Up for Testing

SpaceShift, the latest internet-based ‘advisor’, will begin live trials next month with the goal of full launch early in 2001.

The brainchild of consultant Stacey Litwin-Davies, this new website will reflect both long experience in office strategy, planning and design, and extensive research of existing sites, those that work well and those that don’t.

Litwin-Davies and her partner Kevin Hewitt told a recent NACORE meeting that what makes the difference is interaction. "While the web provides access to information," Litwin-Davies said, "a site is really only successful if it provides a result."

SpaceShift will aim to provide a full transaction service to businesses that are relocating or reorganising - and that are unable or unwilling to employ a team of advisors. The site will offer a virtual team, using questionnaires to collect information and supplying answers and accommodation advice. The intention is to provide a fast turnaround for clients through all stages of a project.

NACORE’s UK Chapter recently won top recruitment honours within the international organisation. Membership has climbed to over 280, making it the largest division - second only to the New York Chapter in size.

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Elliott Chase

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