News on 3 March
New CIRIA project on environmental impacts

A project to promote sustainable construction by identifying and providing guidance on assessing the costs of environmental incidents has been launched by CIRIA in collaboration with Risk & Policy Analysts Limited and Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick.

This DETR Partners in Innovation project will focus on water pollution but will also examine how the principles can be applied to other environmental impacts. The project will also facilitate the benchmarking and comparison of the environmental performance of individual companies and other industries outside the construction sector.

The final outputs from the project will be two reports that will target the business benefits of good environmental performance. These will include the minimisation of costs arising from incidents, as well as the adoption of business practices that can bring benefits to both construction companies and stakeholders.

Sponsors of the project include Anglian Water, The BOC Foundation, CIRIA Core Membership, DETR and the Environment Agency.

Anna Lagerkvist


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