The good news continues at building support services company MITIE
which reported pre-tax profits up 32% to £19.2m (1999 - £14.5m)
on increased turnover of £346.5m (1999 - £264.4m) yesterday
MITIE's Building Services division contributed 61% of turnover and
54% of pre-tax profits. Support Services, which includes the Managed
Services operation, accounted for just under 40% of turnover (up
17% at £136m) and 46% of profits (up 29% at £8.8m).
Margins in support services were increased from 5.9% to 6.5%
MITIE chairman David Telling
The company launched MITIE Business Services in January,
to provide mailroom and reprographic services to major companies within
the M25. Since the year-end, MITIE acquired the assets of Roofing Services
Ltd, forming MITIE Roofing Services Ltd, located in the Midlands, Lancashire
and Yorkshire. The company also purchased, for £2.8m, 60% of The
McCartney Group Ltd whose principal activity is the supply and installation
of contract fire protection in the United Kingdom. The balance is subject
to management earn-out according to normal MITIE practice.
MITIE has also started two new businesses in niche markets in the pharmaceutical
industry and
in cleanrooms required for the computer manufacturing, medical and food
processing industries.
Managed Services secured new contracts for Bristol Myers Squibbs
UK HQ at Hounslow as well as five regional offices for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.
The company also won a long-term contract for Global Crossings co-location
facility for telecom and dot.com companies.
According to the company, Managed Services has been at the forefront of
accelerating the Groups cross-selling initiative and is now bundling
services with 25 Group companies from both Divisions. MITIE says this
is in line with their analysis of market needs and expects the trend to
Commenting on the results, Chairman David Telling hinted at succession
planning: "MITIE Group is more than just a commercial company. It
has an element of social and economic vision that provides what is still
probably a unique opportunity for men and women with ambition, talent
and motivation to build a successful business within a supportive framework.
MITIE is determined to be the best, quality company in everything it does.
We realise that this needs not only the dedication of the present generation
of senior management but also a clear plan for the future. We are continuously
addressing this challenge in order to provide for a smooth transfer of
responsibilities when the time is appropriate."
Richard Byatt