The interest of property professionals in the needs of occupiers continues
to gather pace. The real estate research conference of the RICS Research
Foundation to be held in September features a series of sessions entitled,
The corporate sector: so what does the occupier really want?
Contributors to the corporate occupier stream include:
John Ratcliffe, Dublin Institute of Technology
Attitudes to the effects of ICT developments on demand for offices
Neil Crosby, Virginia Gibson and Sandi Murdoch, University of Reading
on UK leasing term mismatch: what occupiers want against the product on
John Holmes and Gordon Hudson, University of Northumbria at Newcastle
An evaluation of the objectives of the BREEAM scheme for offices: a local
case study
Miles Keeping, Oxford Brookes University
What about demand? Do investors want 'sustainable buildings'?
Shelley Frost, CB Hillier Parker
Occupational property decision making within service sector firms
Gaye Pottinger, College of Estate Management and James Hawkey, Jones Lang
Occupational futures: Corporate real estate restructuring and refinancing
Key-note speakers include Stephen Roulac of the Roulac Group, USA, on
globalisation of real estate service provision.
"The Cutting Edge" The real estate research conference of the
RICS Research Foundation, in
association with the Dept of Land Management and Development, University
of Reading
6-8 September, Central London
To download a copy of the full conference programme visit