Based on a survey of 500 employees, recruitment consultant Office Angels
says that too many companies are under-estimating the importance of the
staff appraisal process as a tool for motivating people.
Most employees questioned said that they felt more valued when they
were given feedback on how their careers were progressing. But over a
third reported that they waited for up to a year to receive any feedback
or for help with improving performance.
A quarter said they would start looking for a new job within weeks if
they thought the appraisal had gone badly.
"Employers should recognise that appraisals are a golden opportunity
to invest time in their staff, pledging training and development," argues
Paul Jacobs, director of corporate communications at Office Angels.
The message to make more of the process is clearly getting through in
some cases. The survey also found that one in four appraisals are held
outside the office in order to encourage the participants to be more relaxed.
Elliott Chase