Integrated facilities services provider MacLellan International,
a subsidiary of Haden MacLellan Holdings plc, has won a major new public
sector contract.
MacLellan will provide a wide range of services to the Inland
Revenue at its Castle Meadow Estate in Nottingham (pictured below). The
two-year contract, which covers a total of 3,400 sq. m., includes pest
control, grounds maintenance, feminine hygiene, waste management and cleaning.
Commenting on the new contract, MacLellan MD John
Ellis said: "We won this contract having gained extensive experience
of similar projects in both the public and private sectors. The
Inland Revenue appreciated that our skills are transferable across
sectors and we are now aiming to build our portfolio in both areas
of the market."
MacLellan's commercial services include general cleaning
and amenities management, as well as 'soft' services such as reception,
landscaping, helpdesk and security.
Anna Lagerkvist