The first Johnson Controls Student Award for those studying
on the Facility & Environment Management course at the Bartlett School
of Graduate Studies,University College London was presented on Thursday
John Amos, a consultant with Bernard Williams Associates, was given the
award by Ian Fielder, current Chairman of the BIFM and sales director
for Johnson Controls IFM.
Amos (right) receives his award from Ian Fielder |
John set out to test a number of hypotheses about facilities
management in the motor industry:
l That closer relationships will develop between service providers
and manufacturing operations to form production partnerships.
l Common maintenance functions
in core operations and in support operations
l The management of support operations
will be increasingly delegated to the service providers so that company
management can concentrate on core business strategies.
Using a combination of detailed questionnaires and interviews John reached
the conclusion that there was great potential for facilities management
in the automotive business: "Outsourcing is set to increase as car
companies and component manufacturers, which already have stronger relationships
with service providers, increasingly concentrate on core business."
Richard Byatt