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Virgin makes tracks for virtual working

A new teleworking project which will take call centre operations into the community is being pioneered by Cap Gemini on behalf of Virgin Trains, i-FM reveals today.

Cap Gemini, which already manages a traditional call centre on behalf of Virgin Trains, has advised the company that one may be enough.

Rather than buying and managing a building in which to house another call centre, then searching for the right specialist staff, Cap Gemini says a better solution could be to integrate more flexible working practices which would benefit both Virgin Trains and its employees.

Virgin is likely to employ housebound workers, including those with disabilities, to answer customer calls in the future.

With over 1 million people teleworking in the UK today, a figure set to rise dramatically over the next few years, virtual working methods look to be integrated into mainstream solutions in the next millennium.

Call centre working practices are, with the power of new technology, moving on to the next stage of using a flexible workforce to the best advantage of both employer and employee.

A spokesperson from Cap Gemini said: "These work practices provide an opportunity to create work for people who normally find it difficult to work in a 9-5 office environment. These include single parents, those with physical disabilities and carers."

The project will be based on the feasibility of securing a flexible workforce and concentrates on four main issues initially:

  • Physical Infrastructure - Equipment and systems which would be needed to support workers.
  • Social Infrastructure - Investigating suitable workers: what makes a teleworker? Ensuring H&S compliance, mortgage advice and general support.
  • Tasks Infrastructure - What is suitable work for a homeworker?
  • Management Infrastructure - New techniques and philosophies will be needed.

Cap Gemini says that the idea behind the project was to provide "a different look at the whole process of work. We want to take work to the people, rather than the people to the work," i-FM was told.

A follow-up story with an exclusive interview with Virgin Trains will be on-line on Monday.

Julie Crisp


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